Monday, May 9, 2011

Ls-dreams 01 Short Skirts

`. My own word. ^

ELOSZKA! \u0026lt;3
What's with you? ;> Haha .. generally spent on the court. Because the weather is so pretty that up grief sit in the house. What's not? :) In the morning, of course, I went to school .. where nothing like that has happened. Best eggs were English and PE, which we did not .. and went on and I WDZ This is something I do not go, so we took Mrs. Stradomska. Well, the future teacher and deputy director .. and took our phones! , \u0026lt;5, but gave the lesson. : D angolu .. it was funny. Learned to live with that Maciek . ^ (As I have said, my class .. and the school is a little perverted?) After returning I went to the Village .. : D Overall, I found that Frank is even cool. ^ Probably annoy him, I speak almost all the time "kuźwa" .. but a habit. ^ ^ We were on the bench and sat between Jacob and Smale .. and their luminosity .. , \u0026lt;A massacre. xD smalu poured me a sunflower .. and gl .. pretended to spit me. Lee .. ; \u0026lt;
haha \u200b\u200b.. a seat waiting for me tomorrow in school to some 15th .. eh .. die! , \u0026lt;And tell me what have you? ,> As the day can be passed ? How many lessons tomorrow?: ***

konkursik with her. \u0026lt;3 cliques.

to you if I smile, then you hold me - so deeply. ?


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