Forget about everything and let's take out the oxygen ... Siemcia: * How are you? As you can see .. I changed the look .. I do not know whether it can be, whether it was better .. earlier? Heh. * Cleaned up the morning .. 've st in 1.5 h with a kitchen and my room. :) Then I went to the court with Pauline. :) We were at the Settlement, and then I went to it .. and offered me a cake with rhubarb. Mmm .. pychotka! * Then again, we returned to the Village .. and generally stayed there longer. Paul went into the house .. I stayed with Ola. I went to go .. and zaszłyśmy .. I do not know where. ^ To the smoking room? mhm .. maybe. Ola such zestrachana all .. haha. ^ ^ O 16 something .. I went to eat soup yeah .. I do not know why I'm so late dinner. -, - But it's cool. something like that came out .. When Angela came back Maria's birthday already where I was not .. because I did not want to go. But apparently it was not that good. :) We went to her, because she wanted to change. Pff .. and flew to her house this big bee. Oo .. no it started to scream .. and run away. -, With but in the end .. we managed to kill her .. and discard the balcony. d on the square .. Piter threw / kicked .. ball .. and so I got to the head moocno that massacre. Of course, I began to apologize .. pff .. Okay, let his will. ;] I wanted to pohuśtać with Angelica on the swing .. and she sat on me .. and I flew. : D haha \u200b\u200b.. a second time .. us so much swing, that is not nearly as zleciałyśmy. =, = Overall, I found out that Matthew again insulted me. -, - Eh .. not nice. : D But I will explain it to him .. today. : * I would like to read more .. because yesterday's touched .. no but we'll see which sit on GG. :) And tomorrow, perhaps ditto for Communion .. only the cover, as will be cold. -, - Eyhym. * Generally it .. somehow I recently started to think To go to the school district .. in total and close .. and the cool people are .. and up to 16 I need to get a big chunk .. gymnasium and a total of probably not be until so good? mhm .. I do not know .. I mykam good .. idem to wash .. Good night. * To the next! :)
picture is not mine .. I took the neta. ^ ^ |
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