`. Czeeeeść. * How are you going. ? As you passed Thursday? : P I hope that as good as me! :) Overall, I do not want to describe the whole day, because I have no such need. The first lesson in English .. Boredom -, - and then nature, a Polish .. story on which it was staggered, I liked the most dwarfs. : D haha. , * On religion in general boredom, we had a very lajtowy wf .. we played it in the leg in a grid . : * Was meega śmiechowo. :) From school I went to the gels to give her a lesson .. I learned that we are not English .. also did a lesson quickly, and went outside. :) Overall, nothing like that has happened .. Oo somehow later, about 18 hours maybe? I went a little walk .. in total have not come far, but lajcik. Then we went to the bench .. Gaber and began to throw in our bag of water. haha .. no it went to the bench next to Angelica .. Kamilek came, came iron and so I sat. About 21 had to go back .. so Matthew went to walk me back .. and tomorrow I go to school for 3 h, then I go to competitions LA .. and so do not take care of, but cool .. Okay not przynudzam jush. * Exactly! Today I received an award from Carmen. IBS inserts, because I do not have time for it. The bracelet with the inscription: Majtaa .. I love it! \u0026lt;3 Thank you. *
night. \u0026lt;3
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