Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why Are Cartman And His Mom Yellow

This week was beautiful - a strong mountain winds blew straight in our face, loved to play scarves and hair, made me niuchały dogs like crazy, and the rooks were dancing in the air formed the columns of the city (I love this view - if you do not know what I mean, watch a Russian movie "Night Watch" ). Such pogoda sprawia, że
mam ochotę iść przed siebie jak najdalej, żeby tylko czuć napór wiatru na moje ciało
. It’s been lovely this week, with the strong mountain wind blowing straight into our faces, tangling into our scarves and our hair, making dogs sniff like crazy and rooks dance in the air, spiralling in large flocks above the city (I love it when they do so – you might know what I’m talking about, if not, watch the Russian film “ Night Watch”
). The kind of weather that
makes me want to walk a thousand miles just to feel the wind press against my body

course Accentor warming brings, so we have a strange as at November 15 degrees, which temporarily excludes wool socks. But they are patiently waiting.
Because it's a hot wind, and the foehn, the temperature is about 15 degrees, quite Unlikely for November and not really the kind of weather for woolen socks. But they're Waiting Patiently.

Model double
I had made one small change - because I did socks with a thicker yarn than recommended, imposed fewer points. Socks do not have anything against.

I had a minor modification Introduce them - as the yarn I used had a different gauge Than The Suggested pattern, I cast on Fewer stitches. The socks did not mind. mystery socks 2

plan for the day: bake a cake , wash clothes, clean the bathroom, do something with this year's quince, organize your papers, see film. Roughly in that order. Have a great weekend!

The plan for today: make a cake , wash my clothes, clean the bathroom, make something out of this year's quinces, put my papers in order, watch a movie. More or less in That Order.
Enjoy your weekend!

mystery socks 3


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