Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Are These Clear Bubbles In My Mouth

rampant in our family, we all got up earlier today and Saturday, and despite the overall gray at nine o'clock we were all after breakfast . Everyone took their business quietly, and I earned cake, because it is widely known that on such a cold and wet day like today is the best cake yeast na croissanty oczywiście. Do tego jeszcze tylko herbata jaśminowa, Jan Johansson i nowy katalog z IKEA, i nic mi już nie potrzeba...
All the members of my crazy family got up earlier today and
by nine o’clock
, despite it being a rather grey Saturday, the breakfast was already a thing of the past . Everybody got silently down to their business and I made some yeast dough, as it is common knowledge that on a cold and rainy day like today there’s nothing better than yeast dough, to make croissants, of course. A mug of jasmine tea, Jan Johansson and the new IKEA catalogue were all I needed.
Justyna (Sarmatix)
, which drew just a notebook with the swallows. Send me, please, address the ahogne [at]! a Saturday morning Just to say that I am very pleased large response to the anniversary and draw until I was disappointed that I only have a notebook to hand. greet all commenters and readers
- invite, falling as much as possible!

It was lovely to see so many comments under the giveaway post, I was sorry I only had one to give notepad.
Thank you, Everyone who comments or just reads what I write - you're welcome here anytime!


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