Monday, August 30, 2010

Free Apartment Application Template

While in my mind, summer has always starts in Corpus Christi, it always ends in a day of indulgence
parish, which usually falls on the last Sunday of August. It is related back to school, which since mid-August already relentlessly looming on the horizon (from seven years to my longer, but I feel it in the air). Golden rays of sunshine on Calvary, the sound of bells, festive clothes, sweet indulgences gingerbread, colorful booths, bangs placpatronów -
indulgence must było chłonąć wszystkimi zmysłami, bo kolejne ciepłe i słoneczne dni oglądało się już niestety przez szkolne okna .

While in my mind summer begins on Corpus Christi, it always ends on the
festival, which usually falls on the last Sunday of August. This is of course because of school which already looms on the horizon (not on mine anymore, but it’s in the air anyway). The golden sunrays at the calvary, bells ringing, my best clothes, sweet gingerbreads, colourful stalls – you had to take it in with all your senses because it might be the last warm sunny day that you don’t have to watch from inside olive oil 1 the classroom.

Yesterday he decided that the year this year, just . Morning between six and eight degrees, half the sum of indulgences began to rain and sun, which came out in the afternoon, did not have time to warm up the atmosphere. Today, cloudy and cold again, so I am very pleased that finished just in time for a green sweater . Yesterday's festival on its own DECIDED it was time for the summer to end . The morning temperature was Between six and eight degrees, it started raining midway through the high mass, and the afternoon sun did manage to warm the atmosphere up. It's cold and rainy again today, so I'm glad to have finished my
green cardigan
on time.

Model: head
. Well, maybe if it had more of a centimeter in circumference, and about two centimeters long sleeves ... But these are trifles. (As we are already at the criticism, then say again that the theme of the pullers could start a little higher because I feel that visually shortens the body.)
It is undoubtedly a success That I did not run out of yarn, and That the safflower seed is not too small, Which I have secretly feared all the time . Fine, it could be this one centimetre wider, and the sleeves might be two centimeters longer ... These are but unimportant details. (Though I think I Should Have begun the ribbing pattern A Little Higher, I've got the That impression it's making my body look Shorter.)

yarn is beautiful: thick, soft as I do not know what, and zieloniutki has a beautiful color, like olive oil . This softness may indeed mean that the yarn is not too tough, but I do not know this yet - ask me in the spring. The yarn is beautiful: thick, incredibly soft, and i the lovely, olive-oil-green shade
. The softness might as well mean it's not very durable, but that's something I can not know yet - ask me in a few months.

As you may recall, the sweater is part of the Extreme Makeover - filling gaps in my clothes closet for a transitional period . He had to be versatile and warm, and so it is. This white skirt in the pictures also belong to the action - what a nightmare to walk on Aug. 29 in a woolen skirt. My friend told me yesterday, as last year we all laughed with her, that in September bought winter uniforms for children. She managed
je wyprać, tydzień poleżały w szafie, a w październiku spadł pierwszy śnieg
. Myślicie, że w tym roku też nas czekają takie przygody?

project –
filling the gap in my wardrobe with clothes for cool weather . The cardi was supposed to be versatile and warm, and it is. That white skirt in the photos is also part of the project – wearing a woollen skirt on the 29th of August, terrible. My friend told me yesterday how everybody laughed at her last year, when she’d bought winter romper suits for her children already in September.

She said she only had enough time to wash and put Them Them in the closet for one week - the first snow fell in October. Do you think we're in for a dry adventures this year as well?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Are These Clear Bubbles In My Mouth

rampant in our family, we all got up earlier today and Saturday, and despite the overall gray at nine o'clock we were all after breakfast . Everyone took their business quietly, and I earned cake, because it is widely known that on such a cold and wet day like today is the best cake yeast na croissanty oczywiście. Do tego jeszcze tylko herbata jaśminowa, Jan Johansson i nowy katalog z IKEA, i nic mi już nie potrzeba...
All the members of my crazy family got up earlier today and
by nine o’clock
, despite it being a rather grey Saturday, the breakfast was already a thing of the past . Everybody got silently down to their business and I made some yeast dough, as it is common knowledge that on a cold and rainy day like today there’s nothing better than yeast dough, to make croissants, of course. A mug of jasmine tea, Jan Johansson and the new IKEA catalogue were all I needed.
Justyna (Sarmatix)
, which drew just a notebook with the swallows. Send me, please, address the ahogne [at]! a Saturday morning Just to say that I am very pleased large response to the anniversary and draw until I was disappointed that I only have a notebook to hand. greet all commenters and readers
- invite, falling as much as possible!

It was lovely to see so many comments under the giveaway post, I was sorry I only had one to give notepad.
Thank you, Everyone who comments or just reads what I write - you're welcome here anytime!

Friday, August 27, 2010

How Many Calories In A Chineese Chicken Curry

Nothing I wrote in this week, because I had my hands full and pins - sew and sew and the end could not be seen. Some pins tense now green sweater, a second hold the hem of a skirt in my new dress, and I
at this time I can finally something to read or improve their technique
making croissants, to the point where I'm absolutely obsessed with lately ...

midnight you still have time to try your luck in the draw notepad! There's still time until midnight today to take a chance on the blogiversary giveaway!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Phrases To Say To My Twin Sister


Two years ago, I wrote my first blog entry.

Two years ago I Blogged the first post here.

On this occasion, I have to give away a beautiful scrapbook with

swallows. 100 sheets of paper from recycled paper, for every three swallows. Straight from Taizé. I have a bird on the oak, and took my shame in him to write, because this is nice.

To celebrate this, I've got a lovely notepad with swallows to give away. Recycled paper 100 sheets, three swallows on each. Directly from Taizé. I've got one with birds in an oak tree, it's so pretty That it's a shame to write in it.

Simply leave a comment on this post
until midnight next Friday, or 27 August,
and then wait for the drawing of!
All you need is this to leave a comment under this post before next
Friday (27th August)
midnight, and then wait for your comment to be drawn!
notepad 2

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pokemon Wrapping Paper In Uk

had entered the final phase of making a sweater: I arrived yesterday to podkrojów armpits when watching
You've Got Mail
(if this movie is not wonderful?), And today I'll probably podkrój neck. If all goes well, it might even
finish this sweater before I need it - it would be a nice change, because I usually do things only when I need them anymore.

've Entered the final phase of the sweater-knitting: I Reached the armholes yesterday while watching You've Got Mail (do not you just love that movie?) And will probably be moving on the neckline today . If all goes well, I might even finish the sweater before I actually start Needing it - quite unusual for me, as I tend to make things I need while
I Need Them.

Some time ago I filled a questionnaire about sztrikowaniu and its therapeutic properties, and one of the points I
write what you taught me knitting
. I do not remember what I answered, but this question comes back to me from time to time. With a green sweater I've discovered that knitting has taught me I managed to finally achieve the perfect edge
- it was a matter of both practice and technology, and now is just perfect and I love to look at him.

Some time ago I took part in a survey about knitting that concentrated on the therapeutic aspect and one of the questions was to describe what knitting has taught you . I can’t remember my answer but the question keeps coming back to me every now and again. What I’ve discovered while working on the green cardigan is that knitting has taught me attention to detail . This is not to say I’ve become a perfectionist (all right, I do have those slight neuroses about how I put the dishes to dry, and I tend to freak out if books or magazines are not aligned...), but I’ve simply experienced how important the details are for the final effect. The yearning for neater buttonholes That is part of, as is the quest for a neat seam. And with the green cardigan, I've finally
Achieved the perfect knitting

edge - it was a matter of Both practice and technique, and now it's just perfect and I love to look at it.
Wyrównaj do środka
addition sztrikowaniem started a perfect dress shirt (inspired by the dress ) with a beautiful cream cotton, and yesterday afternoon I did the pink felt brooch in the shape of a dahlia . Almost perfect, it is interesting and is just doing at the time, because the dahlias in the garden just begun to bloom. The instructions are here - let 's do it yourself!

Apart from knitting, I've begun working on Also a perfect shirt-dress (inspired by this one
) from a lovely cream cotton, and just yesterday afternoon I made a brooch out of dahlia pink felt . Near-perfect, I would say, make it entertaining and just in time, as the dahlias in the garden have begun to bloom. The tutorial is here - go and make one for yourself!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Much Batter And How Long To Bake A 12x2 Cake

She asked me today, my good
friend Patrick, how do buttonholes pink dahlia. Well, yes:
My good friend Patrick

wanted to know how I made
buttonholes. Here's how:

strip of buttons have ten eyes, and holes have a width of four. transforms so the first three holes and then doing an initial movement: the fourth eyelet translate into the right wire, thread translate the left side of the pond to the front and a fourth eyelet translate back to the left wire, and then turn around knitting. The button band is that stitches wide, and the buttonholes - four. So I knit the first three stitches and then I make a preliminary step: I slip the fourth stitch onto the right needle, move the yarn from the back to the front around the stitch, and slip the stitch back onto the left needle. Then I turn the furnace.

leave the thread alone on the back of my knitting and get down to the appropriate four eyes, which I am now on the right wire. The fourth and fifth therefore translate into the left wire and stretch over five quarters. then repeat this procedure three times, make a further eye on the left wire and drag left over right, until you have only three points from the terminal.
I leave the yarn as it is and I move to the four buttonhole stitches.
I slip the fourth and the fifth stitch onto the left needle and then I pass the fourth over the fifth stitch.
I repeat this three times: slip another stitch to the left and pass over the left stitch the right one, until there are only three left button band stitches.

's effect:
three wire mesh on the left, then four closed eyes, and again three stitches on the right wire . Now we need to make up for those closed. step 2
Here's what it looks like:
three stitches on the left needle, then the four buttonhole stitches, all cast off, and again three stitches on the right needle
. Now we have to make up for what we've cast off.

Bring the right wire in the third wire mesh on the left and from threads that I have the back of the needlework,
jivin 'with the eyes of three (only) new . I turn my knitting back and do the row to the end as if nothing had happened, and then doing another. step 3
I put the right needle through the third stitch on the left needle and c ast
on three (only)
new stitches, using the yarn That is hanging at the back of the piece. And then the piece back Iturn round and knit until the end of the row, as if nothing Happened, and then I knit the next row.

And when I come to the bar with buttons, processed the first three holes, and my eyes appeared
unnecessarily long piece of yarn connecting the hole with the rest of needlework . step 5
I knit the first three stitches of the button band and see That
the bit of yarn Which joins the hole to the rest of the piece is way too long

But I do not care, just
this long piece of yarn wound on the left Wire ... step 6
But It Does not worry me at all, I just wrap
this bit of yarn around my needle

... and processes it is the missing fourth eye.
... and I
knit stitch
the fourth out of it.

And then continue to do that flies to the end of the row, knitting turn and see a beautiful hole with a button !
And then I knit it until the end of the row, and turn the piece
and behold a lovely buttonhole

(A method is

here.) (The idea comes from here.)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What Mascarais Rated The Best From The Drugstores

Again it was not me a little, but in the end are the holidays. From Monday to Wednesday I went to Czestochowa to thank a few cases, and a few others are put into better hands.
chrypiącym back from the throat, aching feet, a light heart and a smile on his lips. Today I look and here mirabelle ripen! You have to do a little jam, because I found out recently that its beautiful golden color and sweet-tart taste very well and with the French croissants. step 10
It's been a while, but it's the holidays after all, is not it? From Monday to Wednesday I walked to Czestochowa

, To say thank you for some things, and to leave some other things in better hands Than mine.
I returned with a sore throat, sore feet, sunshine in my heart and a smile on my face. And I've noticed
today mirabelle That the plums are almost ripe! It's time to make some jam - I've recently discovered That with its lovely golden color and the combination of tart and sweet it goes great with French croissants.

Also I'm slowly getting back to knitting. My camera refuses to capture the greenness of the cotton yarn so there are no photos for now, but you can believe me when I say that I've already made two buttonholes and, as usual, keep wondering Whether I will run out of yarn .