Thursday, July 29, 2010

Footballers Shower Dude

Hands up, who was recently in a location which does not want to come back? To know how I feel.
Hands up if you've recently been to a place That you did not really feel like leaving. So you know how I feel.

But I try to focus on all these beautiful things that I have met over the past two weeks.
There are so many things for which I am grateful : the introduction of the Bible with his brother Emil, meeting in groups, filled with good and wise words; przesiedziane hours in the church, with three or four thousand other people, but also in silence and solitude; unexpected organ concerts; singing, welcoming newcomers, stroking golden retrievera w niemiłosiernym upale; i ratowanie samiczki zięby, która przez pomyłkę wpadła do Casy. But I’m trying to concentrate on all those beautiful things that happened to me over those two weeks.
There’s so much I’m thankful for

And I am most grateful for
silence, like a sponge he absorbed all that as long as you keep it inside.

And what I'm most thankful for is the silence under tent T - Bible introduction 3
That I drank like a sponge, so That I can keep it in me as long as possible.

(more photos here
) (more photos here



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